Why is My Cat Vomiting in Bowling Green, KY?
Cats can be really stoical creatures, and they can be much less demonstrative than dogs when it comes to signs that they are not feeling well. You might not have any idea that your cat is not feeling the best until they start vomiting. If your cat is throwing up, you might be really worried and unsure about what to do to help them to feel better.
There are many different reasons why cats do this. Knowing why your cat is vomiting can be very helpful so you can be sure to get them to the vet if they need help. If you want to know more about the reasons that your cat might be vomiting in Bowling Green, KY you need to keep reading.

Why Cats Vomit
Listed below are the main reasons why cats throw up:
Cats have to expel hairballs from time to time which are related to their grooming activities. This is more common in cats with long hair, but your short-haired cat might also vomit when expelling a hairball. You can help your cat to deal with persistent hairball issues with special food, or you can also give them hairball medicine. Hairballs have a very specific look to them, so you should have no trouble recognizing this as the reason for your cat’s vomiting episode. This is not a serious condition unless it leads to persistent vomiting. All cats throw up hairballs once in a while.
If your cat has ingested something toxic, they might start vomiting as their body tries to expel the substance. This can be quite serious, and you should be really concerned about your cat vomiting repeatedly or having blood in their vomit or stool. Pets usually have about a half hour to get treatment for toxicity before it is too late. You should hurry your pet to the vet right away if you think they have ingested poison.
Kidney Disease
Cats are very prone to kidney problems, particularly as they age. If your cat is vomiting after each meal or vomits on a daily basis, this might indicate a kidney issue. Cats with kidney problems tend to be thin, look dehydrated, or act listless as well. There is a range of treatment options that are open to you if your cat has kidney issues, and you can change their diet and help them to feel better with various medications.
Taking your cat to the vet is always the right first step if you suspect a kidney issue is behind their vomiting episodes. Kidney disease is progressive, so getting treatment right away can make a big impact on your pet’s long-term health.
Inflammation of the Stomach or Gut
Cats can get inflammation of the gut or the stomach due to foods that do not agree with them, overeating, or ingesting something that has been contaminated with bacteria. Cats with inflammatory conditions might quit drinking as well, which can be very bad for their kidneys. Make sure that you look for symptoms like blood in your cat’s vomit, and start tracking their drinking behavior if you think they might have an inflammation of the gut or stomach. Do not let your cat get too dehydrated before they see the vet.
Cats, just like dogs and people, often vomit as a symptom of cancer. This is because the body is trying to rid the system of toxins in response to cancer. Your cat is less likely to be at risk for cancer if they are young, but even kittens can sometimes get cancer. Make sure that you talk to your veterinarian and have your pet examined if you think that cancer is the reason for their vomiting. This can sometimes be addressed with chemotherapy, and there are also an increasing number of medications that can help pets with cancer to feel better.
Bacterial infections in the body can lead to vomiting, even if the infection is not that serious. Your cat might have an ear infection or a skin infection. The first sign of infections in the bladder can also be vomiting. Make sure that you take your cat to the vet to get antibiotics if you think they might have an infection. Remember that you might not be able to see any outward signs of infection, but that does not mean that your cat does not have an internal infection that they are dealing with.
Neurological Conditions
If your dog has an ear infection or some other kind of neurological condition that is impacting their balance or their body’s equilibrium, they might vomit. This is most common in conditions that impact the brain or the ears, but it can be a sign of other neurological conditions as well. Your vet can do testing to figure out what kind of neurological condition is causing the vomiting. You might just need to treat your cat for a short time to remedy this issue, or your pet might need long-term care or medication to help with this kind of condition.
Contact Southcentral Veterinary Services if Your Cat is Vomiting
There are actually a lot of conditions and health issues that can lead to your cat vomiting. Be sure that you consider taking your cat to the vet to be evaluated, even if they have only vomited a few times. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you about the best course of treatment and help you to make a plan that will allow your cat to feel better and stop throwing up.
Remember that cats can be really secretive about their health issues, so you should pay close attention if your cat is vomiting. This can be a sign of many serious health conditions, and it is always worth making sure that your pet sees the vet to be sure that there is nothing significant going on that is causing this. For more information, or if you would like to schedule an appointment, contact Southcentral Veterinary Services in Bowling Green, KY by calling (270) 282-2564. Our team is here for you and your pet!
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